Dear Readers, Kindly note that for below matters related to F Y 2020-21, the due date for filing the applicable GSTR of the September 2021 month, will be the last date to make any changes: Issue No. 1: Omission / change / mistake in your outward supply details (i.e. Sales Invoice / Credit Note / […]
Dear Reader, E-Invoicing shall be mandatory from 01.10.2020. We have tried to summarize the necessary information for the subject with easy understanding. History The GST Council, in its 37th meeting held on 20th September, 2019, has approved introduction of electronic invoice (‘e-invoice’), beginning from 1st January, 2020 on voluntary basis. Further, the GST Council, in[…..]
Dear Reader, Kindly find below updates of the decisions taken on the 38th meeting of the GST Council. (Notifications /Orders /Circulars for respective decisions have also been issued recently) The Council has taken below major decisions in its meeting; Further Blockage on generation of E-way bills on non-filing of GSTR 1 Late fee waiver for[…..]
Dear Reader, Recently Govt. of Gujarat has issued revised norms for applicability of E-way bill for intra-state movement of goods. Said norms will be applicable w.e.f 01.10.2018. Brief details as under: 1. Earlier Notification issued by Govt. of Gujarat dated the 11th April, 2018 prescribing the requirement of E-way bill in respect of intra-state movement for only[…..]